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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Advan Vanbook A1N70T: Netbook 3 jutaan dari Alnect Computer

Tidak bisa dipungkiri kebutuhan manusia akan barang yang bersifat mobile terus dibutuhkan dan tentu saja barang-barang tersebut terus diburu karena kemudahannya dan bersifat fleksibel bisa dibawa kemana mana, akhir-akhir ini netbook (notebook dengan ukuran lebih kecil) sangat dicari oleh banyak orang, oleh karena lebih ramping, kecil, namun tetap mengedepankan teknologi didalamnya, baik para bisnismen sampai para pelajar pun bisa memiliki netbook yang harganya relatif terjangkau ini

Baru-baru ini Alnect Computer, menawarkan netbook spesial dengan spesifikasi tinggi dengan harga yang murah, ya dengan harga Rp. 3.595.000 saja kita dapat memiliki Advan Vanbook A1N70T Netbook. Netbook yang ditawarkan oleh Alnect Computer ini bisa dibilang memiliki spesifikasi yang mumpuni dan menggunakan teknologi terkini, netbook ini dipersenjatai oleh prosesor Atom keluaran Intel berasitektur 45nm (Intel ATOM N270 1.6 Ghz).

Bagi yang suka menyimpan film ataupun mp3 dan banyak koleksi file-file laen dalam jumlah yang besar, jangan khawatir sebab netbook ini dilengkapi dengan Hard Disk internal yang cukup besar yaitu 160GB, kita pun bebas berkreasi dengan banyak program multimedia seperti photoshop ataupun corel draw karena Vanbook A1N70T menggunakan INTEL 945, 3D/2D Graphics Accelarator yang cukup baik mengolah gambar, disamping itu mata kita juga akan dimanjakan dengan LCD WXGA (Wide) TFT 10.2 dalam netbook ini

Coba kita lihat perbandingan Harga netbook yang memiliki spek sama dengan Vanbook A1N70T, Axio pico dengan spek yang sama ditawarkan dengan harga 4,3 juta, BenQ U101 5jutaan, lalu Acer Aspire one dan A Note C 1026 yang juga berkisar 4 jutaan, Advan Vanbook A1N70T memiliki harga yang paling murah diantara pesaingnya, namun dengan kualitas yang tidak murahan, dalam hal garansi Alnect Computer memberikan garansi selama 180 hari serta standart garansi selama 1 tahun

Masih kurang puas?? berita bagus bahwa Alnect juga akan memberi 4 buah bonus sekaligus dalam pembelian yaitu Softcase Cantik, Cooling Pad, Mouse Optik USB, dan LCD Cleaner Kit

Advan Vanbook A1N70T + Bonus diatas hanya bisa anda dapatkan di Alnect Komputer, Silahkan menuju ke Homepage Alnect melalui gambar dibawah ini untuk mendapatkan penawaran-penawaran lain yang tak kalah menariknya!


Berikut Detail Spesifikasi Vanbook A1N70T yang ditawarkan oleh Alnect Computer

Kejutan dari Alnect, anda dapat memiliki Netbook canggih nan mungil ini secara GRATIS, Gimana caranya? gampang tinggal tulis review tentang salah satu produk dari Alnect dan dapatkan hadiah-hadiah menarik dibawah ini:

  • 1 Unit Notebook Acer Aspire
  • 1 Unit Netbook Advan A1N70T
  • 1 Unit Camera Digital Shitel DB702C
  • 5 Unit Modem HSDPA Prolink PHS100
  • 10 Unit USB Flash Disk Kingston DT-G2 Kapasitas 8GB
  • 100 Unit USB Flash Disk Kingston DT-G2 Kapasitas 4GB
Buruan Daftar sebelum kesempatan ini ditutup !!

Alnect computer Blog Contest

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Coupon GoDaddy untuk beli domain 99 Cents

Wehehe silakan klo mo beli domain di GoDaddy murah meriah cuman 99 cents alias $0.99 + Icann jadi cuman = $1.19 saja, buruan sebelum coupon ini udah ga berlaku
Nama Coupon GoDaddy : 99DOMAIN


Friday, October 31, 2008

Review Product dibayar Dollar

menurut saya inilah cara yang termudah buat mendapatkan Dollar dr cara online, di sini kita tidak butuh website, tidak butuh blog ber pagerank, Bagi temen2 yg juga sebel karena nggak pernah dapat job review, Gimana kalau sekarang job reviewnya terlalu banyak sampai anda sendiri harus melakukan search untuk nemukan produk yang sesuai selera?? ya tinggal pilih sendiri produk apa yg pengen direview, setiap review akan dibayar sebesar $1 lewat paypal, klo blom punya paypal daftar disini

payment minimal $5 dibayar tiap minggu , reviewnya gampang, cuman 120 kata aja minimalnya, ga seperti program paid review yg butuh website ber pagerank dan minimal katanya banyak, kemaren saya udah coba review 4 produk dan hasilnya $4 lebih udah ditangan, cepet gampang, ga ada batesan brapa kali mereview, mau sehari 20, 30 juga bisa, gampang kan,
klo mo join disini Ciao


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Album baru Avenged Sevenfold - Diamonds in the Rough

Hwehehe barusan dapet neh albumnya... yuk semua penggila, penggemar n fans A7X, Download Avenged Sevenfold - Diamonds in the Rough

Preview Tracklist:
01. Demons
02. Girl I Know
03. Crossroads
04. Flash of the Blade (Iron Maiden Cover)
05. Until the End
06. Tension
07. Walk (Pantera Cover)
08. The Fight

09. Dancing Dead
10. Almost Easy (Remix)
11. Afterlife (Alternate Version)



Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cheat Devil May Cry 4

Wehehe meski udah tamat ini game tp kok masii penasaran aja ak, barangkali ada alternatif ending, so ak cari deh cheatnya n akhirnya ketemu, hehe nih ak share juga Complete Cheat devil may cry 4 :

Bloody Palace
Successfully complete the game on the Devil Hunter difficulty to unlock the Bloody Palace.

# Super Dante costume
Successfully complete the game on the Dante Must Die difficulty to unlock the Super Dante costume.

# Super Nero costume
Successfully complete the game on the Dante Must Die difficulty to unlock the Super Nero costume.

# Son Of Sparda mode
Successfully complete the game on the Devil Hunter difficulty to unlock the Son Of Sparda difficulty.

# Heaven Or Hell mode
Successfully complete the game on the Son Of Sparda difficulty to unlock the Heaven Or Hell difficulty.

# Dante Must Die mode
Successfully complete the game on the Son Of Sparda difficulty to unlock the Dante Must Die difficulty.

# Hell And Hell mode
Successfully complete the game on the Dante Must Die difficulty to unlock the Hell And Hell difficulty.

# Art
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding artwork:

Demon Invasion: Successfully complete the game on the Dante Must Die difficulty.
Light From The Demon Blade: Successfully complete the game on the Hell And Hell difficulty.
The Cast: Successfully complete the game on the Devil Hunter difficulty.
The Demons and 12 publicity pictures: Successfully complete the game on the Son Of Sparda difficulty.
The Ladies Of Devil May Cry: Successfully complete the game on the Heaven Or Hell difficulty.
The Two Heroes and 29 character images: Successfully complete the game on the Human or Devil Hunter difficulty.

# Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete the game. Then during the credits mini-game, protect Kyrie for over 90 seconds to view the rest of the ending sequence featuring Dante, Trish, and Lady.

# Keeping Dreadnaught armor
This trick requires a fully leveled-up Royal Guard style. You must posses the "Dreadnaught" ability. Dreadnaught is performed by holding R1 + Left Analog-stick Away + Circle. This ability encases you in invulnerable armor, based upon how full your Royal gauge is. You can still perform Dreadnaught with an empty Royal gauge and get about five seconds of invulnerability. You will also suffer limited movement during a Dreadnaught. Perform Dreadnaught, and at the precise moment it runs out, switch your melee weapon (R2). If done quickly enough, you will keep the Dreadnaught armor and be able to move normally. Note: You will still be able to fully take damage.

# Easy Red Orbs in Mission 7: The She-Viper
Use the following trick to get approximately 4,300 Red Orbs in about twenty seconds. At the start of the mission, destroy the rocks to your left. Enter the tunnel, and destroy the rocks. You will see the big red crystal near the Secret Mission. In order to get the most Orbs, start with the Stinger, then immediately activate Devil Trigger mode, and quickly mash away. Then, press Start, select "Systems", and choose "Retry Mission". This is the easiest way to get a lot of Red Orbs in a short amount of time.

# Defeating Berial
Use Grim Grip to reel yourself close to his head, and attack with your sword. Once the combos are done, use Grim Grip while still in the air. When his flames are gone, jump up to his head. Grab his head with the Devil Bringer, then once he lands from that, use Devil Bringer again to throw and punch him. Then, run a short distance away because he will release an explosion around him. Make sure to pick up Green Orbs from the destroyed buildings, and roll to avoid his flame geysers and sword attack. Continue attacking this way, and use your Charge Shot to defeat him in under a minute.

# Defeating Blitzes
Use the following trick to defeat a Blitz with Nero. To lower the Blitz "electricity shield" quickly, use charged pistol shots with Devil Trigger mode activated. Charge a shot. Activate Devil Trigger mode. Release the shot, maybe a few more. Turn off Devil Trigger mode, and repeat. This will quickly give you Super Smokin Stylish before he has even dropped his shield. This will work even with a level 1 Charge Shot, but is much easier if you have level 3. Once his shield is gone, use Devil Trigger mode again. Use the Devil Bringer to devastate him. Three throws should be enough to send him into "red mode". Once he goes red, he will try to grab you and kill himself to seriously drain your life or kill you. Shoot normal shots at him to get more Smokin Stylish points and defeat him.

Use the following trick to defeat a Blitz with Dante. Use the Royal Guard style along with the Gilgamesh gauntlets. While the Blitz is in his yellow "electricity shield" state, get close to him and press [Melee] + [Style] repeatedly and quickly. You will be performing a punch and canceling it with a Royal Block very quickly. Think of the [Style] move as the attack. Try to constantly use [Melee] + [Style] repeatedly. You will raise the letter grade of your style meter with each hit, and quickly lower the electric shielding. You are basically hitting the shield yourself, then blocking that hit so fast that you cannot see it happen. Again, just press [Melee] + [Style] at the same time. This may be somewhat tricky at first, but eventually becomes easy. Once his shield is lowered, quickly switch to swordmaster style. Use Real Impact uppercut with the Gilgamesh gauntlets at least twice. Perform a Kick 13 if time permits, and/or a Shocking. He will go into his overdriven "Red Mode". Quickly switch to Lucifer, and perform Bondage. If done correctly, you should defeat him and get a huge stylish ranking from one Blitz.

# Defeating Demonic Bosses
You can use Nero's Devil Bringer to defeat Demonic Bosses. Before you daze any demonic Boss, get your Devil Trigger as high as possible. As soon as the enemy is dazed, activate Devil Trigger mode, and use the uppercut on them. Using it in different areas of the enemy's body results in a good combo.

# Defeating Sanctus
Do the following to defeat Sanctus inside of Sparda in Mission 20. While Sanctus is airborne in his shield, get close and break it with sword attacks just like earlier in the game. However, he will sometimes block with the Sword of Sparda. When he does this, use the uppercut technique to break his guard. If you are skilled, you should use the Devil Trigger while he is in the air to use a special combo to force him to the ground. If you fail to do the air combo, just let him fall to the ground. You may be able to get a few sword-based shots in, but do not try to rely on this because he may escape. At this point, use the uppercut in Devil Trigger mode, if possible. Afterwards, he will go back to being airborne again, in which case you should not use the Devil Trigger. After you have gotten his health down to around 10% to 15%, he will use a charging sword attack (however, if you have perfected the aforementioned combo, you may bypass this). Defeating him requires timing. At precisely the correct moment of his charge towards you, uppercut to break his guard. Again, as soon as it is broken, Devil Trigger uppercut to finish him off. In the second battle against Sanctus, as the False Prophet, timing is once again crucial. All you must do is uppercut his attacks away.

# Defeating Sparda
Sparda can be knocked down by using Pandora's PF398 Revenge technique. With Pandora equipped, hold X and make two complete circles with the Left Analog-stick, then shoot at Sparda. It may require two shots, but he will fall as though you used the stationary cannon

Woow mendem ak trnyata masih banyak yg bisa dilakukan sama inih game, tapi gilaa susah book..wew