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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition Cheats

Hmm meskipun game lama ternyata masih ada yang belom bosen juga, oke lah berhubung ada yang request Cheats Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition, saya kasih deh....saya kan baik hati heheh..

  • Get Pets

    Cat: Make friends with Romana, and during the fall season of the second chapter, wake up after your wife. Romana will give you a cat.
    Duck: Purchase a pond from Takakura and, during the summer season of chapter two, wake up after your wife.
    Goat: Van sells goats when his shop is open during the spring season.

  • Water multiple crops

    There are two ways to water multiple crops:
    First is to get tartan in the second chapter and create the RC8, when the crop grow into a sprout, water it and it will water every crops around it too.
    Second is easier, befriend with Romana by giving her gifts (don't give her gifts when she is sitting or she won't accept it). After you befriend her go to her room while she is in there and she will give you the Watering Can W - water 9 crops at the same time.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Video Klip Opening Persona 4

huuh ngeliat video klip opening ini makin ga tahan aja nih pengen maen Persona 4, males maen yang masih bahasa jepang, nungguin yang Inggris dulu, btw klo mo tau video klip openingnya sebenarnya ada banyak versi, ni aku tunjukin 2 versi opening Persona 4

Ini Versi yang Asli

Ini Versi Orang Gila ...Hehehe

Btw Udah download Belum Full Soundtrack Persona 4??
klo Belum ke sini Download Soundtrack Persona 4

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Original Soundtrack Persona 4

Saya bener2 sangat seneng sekali bahwa sekuel Persona ini yaitu Persona 4 masih buat konsol PS2, maklum lah belum ada dana beli konsol2 next gen, wah tapi kebahagiaan agak tertunda nih, karena masih versi jepang yang dirilis, buat versi USA nya kata dari sumber2 terpercaya kira2 Desember paling cepat...huwaaa masih lama itu, udah ga tahan maen rpg yg satu ini
Btw bagi yang udah ngebet, gimana klo nikmatin dulu soundtracknya Persona 4, lagunya asik2 kok, ngebeat kayak persona 3 ada 52 lagu loh, dibagi 2 cd...hehe nih klo kepingin download

Soundtrack Part1
Soundtrack Part2
Atau klo mo download full lewat Torrent
Torrent Soundtrack Persona 4

ini nih total 52 judul lagunya

01.Shihoko Hirata - Pursuing My True Self
02.Shoji Meguro - A Corner Of Memory
03.Shoji Meguro - Welcome To The Limousine
04.Shoji Meguro - Poem For The Souls Of Everybody
05.Shoji Meguro - New Days
06.Shihoko Hirata - Signs Of Love
07.Shoji Meguro - Mayonaka TV
08.Shoji Meguro - Your Affection
09.Shoji Meguro - Like A Dream Come True
10.Shoji Meguro - Who Is There?
11.Shihoko Hirata - Reach Out To The Truth (First Battle)
12.Shoji Meguro - Smile
13.Shihoko Hirata - Backside Of The TV
14.Shoji Meguro - Reasoning
15.Shoji Meguro - Castle
16.Shoji Meguro - Borderline Of Madness
17.Shoji Meguro - I'll Face Myself (Battle)
18.Shoji Meguro - I'll Face Myself
19.Shoji Meguro - Muscle Blues
20.Shoji Meguro - It's Show Time!
21.Tamari - Someone's Husband
22.Shoji Meguro - Kerorin Magic!
23.Shoji Meguro - Sauna
24.Shoji Meguro - Awakening
25.Shihoko Hirata - Reach Out To The Truth

01.Shihoko Hirata - Reach Out To The Truth (Inst Version)
02.Shoji Meguro - Specialist
03.Shoji Meguro - Theater
04.Shihoko Hirata - Heartbeat, Heartbreak
05.Shoji Meguro - Youthful Lunch
06.Shoji Meguro - Game
07.Shoji Meguro - Zone Time
08.Shoji Meguro - A New World Fool
09.Shoji Meguro - Mist
10.Shoji Meguro - Period
11.Shoji Meguro - Theme Of Junes
12.Shoji Meguro - The Power Of The Heart (P4 Ver.)
13.Shoji Meguro - The Path Is Open (P4 Ver.)
14.Shoji Meguro - Music Of Dream
15.Shoji Meguro - How Much?
16.Shoji Meguro - Secret Base
17.Shihoko Hirata - Heaven
18.Shoji Meguro - Alone
19.Shoji Meguro - Reasoning (Another Version)
20.Shoji Meguro - Long Way
21.Shoji Meguro - Omen
22.Shoji Meguro - Corridor
23.Shoji Meguro - The Almighty
24.Shoji Meguro - The Genesis
25.Shoji Meguro - I'll Face Myself (Another Version)
26.Shihoko Hirata - Never More
27.Shoji Meguro - Electronica In Velvet Room

Selamat Berdisko ria


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Leah Dizon dengan single terbarunya vanilla

Ngomongin cewek cakep yang satu ini emank ga ada abis abisnya, baru2 ini saya dapetin video klip nya yang berjudul Vanilla, tapi bukan yg versi youtube loh, tapi WMV lebih bagus gambarnya, klu ini yang versi di youtube

Kesan pertama...woo kawaiiii cute banget si leah di video klip vanilla ini, tapi ternyata si cantik ini masih ada banyak kekurangan, ya...vokalnya sama sekali ga bagus alias buruk alias fales, coba deh didengerin...sayang sekali kayaknya klo suaranya ga sebagus parasnya...udah ah mungkin cuman itu review dari saya, silakan dengerin video klip nya aja yah..